Piano Studio of Marci Pittman


Music has been an integral, joyful and exciting part of my life since childhood. I have sung in church choirs since the third grade and in school choirs from elementary through university. As a child, I auditioned and was selected to sing in a small children’s chorus for a professional musical recording in Hollywood. I have sung numerous solos in church services, weddings, funerals, community events, recitals, master classes and concerts. I have directed children’s choirs, youth choirs, adult choirs, and community choirs and served as a choral section leader at the university level.

While growing up in Southern California, I studied piano with Mrs. Betty Stockwell and hold a Bachelor of Arts degree (1989) from Cal State University, Chico, in Vocal Performance, with an emphasis on Choral Conducting. I am a member and serve on the board of the local Butte County branch of MTAC (Music Teacher’s Association of California), MTNA (Music Teachers’ National Association) and its affiliate, CAPMT (California Association of Professional Music Teachers) and the National Guild of Piano Teachers (NGPT).

I regularly attend piano teaching and music technology workshops, conferences and online webinars, read professional publications, participate in two local piano teacher organizations, serve as the Vice President on the board of our local Butte County branch of MTAC, served as the Music Director for the annual MTAC Monster Piano Concert for seven years, and participate in discussions in several professional piano teacher internet groups as I am a believer in life-long education. I have been teaching piano lessons since 1989 in Wyoming and California. 

BA Music, California State University at Chico www.csuchico.edu/
Teaching since 1989.
Regularly attends piano teaching, music technology workshops, conferences and webinars for continuing education in person or virtually.
Piano teacher for CORE Butte Charter School, www.corebutte.org, and South Sutter Charter School, South Sutter Charter School (southsuttercs.org).

I serve as Vice President on the board of our local Butte Branch of MTAC.

I was the Music Director of the Butte MTAC Monster Piano Concert for seven years.

Past summer piano teacher for Chico Area Recreation District (CARD). I taught Kool Keyboard Kamps and Music for Little Mozarts to introduce children to the keyboard and music basics.

I taught class piano to 17 students at Rosedale Elementary School, sponsored by MTAC, in 2011-2012.

I taught class piano to beginning piano students for the MTAC Summer Music Academy from 2019-2022.
Music Teachers' Association of California (MTAC): www.mtac.org
Butte County Branch of MTAC: www.buttemtac.org
Butte County Branch of MTAC Facebook: www.facebook.com/ButteMTAC/

Music Teachers' National Association (MTNA): www.mtna.org 

California Association of Private Music Teachers (MTNA Affiliate): www.capmt.org

National Guild of Piano Teachers: www.pianoguild.com

 I have ONE opening for homeschool students for 2025 Spring semester: Wednesdays from 1:00 to 1:45 pm. 

 $70 ($40 Registration/Reservation Fee plus $30 Materials' Fee) will hold your spot in my studio. You may register through the website and send a check or drop it by the studio. If your child is with a local charter school, the school may cover the $30 Materials' Fee for the semester.

I am sorry that I am NOT a vendor with Lake View Charter School as their insurance requirements are prohibitive and expensive for a very small business! I attempted to become a vendor with them this year, but they would not accept my more than adequate homeowner's insurance and liability policy that other charter schools accept.