Piano Studio of Marci Pittman

WELCOME to my piano studio web site.

Can making music enhance your child's brain functions?  Recent research gives a resounding "YES!"  Give your child a BRAIN BOOST with fun piano classes!

I combine the best of traditional piano teaching methods with current keyboard and computer technology.

I teach small group piano lessons and private lessons for children from ages four-and-a-half on up through high school.

I am an independent music teacher (IMT) in Chico, California, a city of about 100,000 residents in Northern California, 90 minutes north of the state capital of Sacramento.  My studio is located just west of Pleasant Valley High School in NE Chico.

You'll find lots of information about my studio and policies here as well as information about me, my background and education, and resources for both parents and students.  I'm on facebook as well under Piano Studio of Marci Pittman.

MISSION STATEMENT: Coaching and encouraging children and teens to enjoy making music for a lifetime.

 Now that all continuing students are committed for the new school year, I have THREE opening for homeschool students. These lessons will be from 1:45 to 4:00 pm on Thursdays.

$100 ($40 Registration/Reservation Fee plus $60 Materials' Fee) will hold your spot in my studio. You may register through the website and send a check or drop it by the studio. If your child is with a local charter school, the school may cover the $60 Materials' Fee for the school year.